On September 3rd, 2024 Ross Satterwhite and Mark Nesbitt will be back on the course to play 100 holes of golf in one day to support the Leelanau Historical Society and Museum.
It’s incredible to think, but this will be the 19th year for this fundraiser – which has grown to become a critical component of the society’s annual funding efforts. Little did we know back in 2006 how gracious the community would be in its support of (what we thought at the time) was a crazy idea for helping the LHS. Thanks to you, 3,602 holes of golf later (ok, one year we actually played 101 holes) we are still at it!
The Leelanau Historical Society is an important part of our community as it is dedicated to collecting, preserving and showcasing Leelanau County’s diverse, rich history. All funds raised go to support collection care, documentation, exhibit development, educational programs and research projects. These are critical activities that require significant annual financial support.
As in past years, following the finish of the 100th hole, Donors are invited join us on the deck of the Leland Lodge for a fun party to celebrate the day. September 3rd, 2024, 5-7pm.
We would like to thank Bill & Annie Hostetler and Jim & Mary Jo Grogan who continue to generously underwrite the reception, and the membership and staff of the Leland Country Club for their ongoing support and assistance in making this annual event possible.
As an added bonus, each Donor will be entered into a drawing for either a $300 gift certificate to the Leland County Club Pro Shop or a $200 gift certificate to The Riverside Inn, the winner of which will be drawn and announced during the festivities!
We are very grateful for your support, past & present, and hope you will consider making a donation and joining us at the Lodge in supporting the 19th Annual Leelanau Historical Society Golfathon!
-Mark & Ross