Preserving Leelanau’s Legacy Begins with You!
Want to be the first to know about the programs, exhibits and events at the Leelanau Historical Society? Become a member and know that your tax-deductible donation supports the important work of preserving local history. All membership levels include FREE museum admission plus a variety of other great benefits.
Membership Levels:
Patron: $25-49
Steward: $50-99
Guardian: $100-199
Collector: $200-499
Historian: $500-999
Founder: $1000-4,999
Visionary: $5,000-9,999
Keepers of the Key: $10,000+
Member Benefits:
- Free, unlimited admission to the Leelanau Historical Society Museum
- Free or member rates on lectures, program, and workshops
- 10% discount in the Museum Gift Shop
- Subscription to the Society’s printed newsletter and e-newsletter, LeeMuse.
- Research assistance in the LHS archives
- Discounts on ticketed events
- Invitations to exclusive member-only events
- Acknowledgement in our print newsletter
- Leelanau Historical Society decal

The Leelanau Historical Society is a Michigan non-profit 501(c)(3) funded exclusively by private donations and grants. During the calendar year we conduct three major fundraisers that cover about 65% of our annual operating expenses. The fundraisers are as follows – Membership Drive, Golfathon, Year End Appeal. We acknowledge our donors for their annual cumulative giving in our annual print newsletter using the following categories. (Note: Membership operates on an annual basis and follows the calendar year.)
Members at the $100 level or above receive the added benefit of reciprocal membership to NARM* and ROAM**. This benefit provides FREE admission to over 1,400 museums nationwide, while every dollar you contribute stays at the Leelanau Historical Society and strengthens your local history museum. At last count, over 35 museums in the state of Michigan honored reciprocal benefits, including the Dennos Museum Center and Detroit Institute of Arts, among others.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are always welcome and needed for research, collection care, greeting visitors and museum store help, docents, and help with special events and programs. Contact us: