Every Story is Important.
You are living through history and we want to document the experiences of Leelanau people during this unique time in our nation with the Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020. We invite you to share your thoughts, photographs and stories about this pandemic to ensure that the history we are living through is preserved for future generations.
Please email your submissions to: archives@leelanauhistory.org
We also strongly encourage the donation of handwritten accounts, scrapbooks, photos and other artifacts. Please reach out by phone to discuss your gift with the curator: (231) 256-7475.
You can also share your experiences with:
Traverse City’s National Writers Series: Living Through the Coronavirus
The Michigan History Center: Collecting COVID-19
How do you want to tell your story?
Pick a format, or create your own.
Letter, a diary/journal entry, poem: authors name, age, area of residence, and date written.
Photos: If you submit a photograph, please identify the location, date taken and people in the image.
Art: artist name, age, area of residence, date created, and an artist’s statement.
Music: creators name, age, area of residence, date created, instruments used, a written copy of any lyrics.
Audio/Video Recording: at the beginning of the recording please state and spell names, state ages, the date, and place where the recording is being made.
Things to contemplate…
- What is the #1 concern you have about what is going on right now?
- What is a way in which your life has changed right now?
- What mattered to you a few days or a week ago that now seems irrelevant? Vice versa?
- What changes have you or your family made in your day-to-day lives due to COVID-19?
- What have you noticed about the community around you during this time?
- Have you witnessed any acts of kindness?
- What has given you comfort and hope during this time?
- Have you witnessed any acts of prejudice or rudeness?
- What do you do each day?
- How have things changed since last week or the week before?
- Write a note to a friend or an enemy.
- What is your neighborhood/street/community like these days? Are people out walking? Talking? Looking out for each other?
- What are you sick of already?
- What do you enjoy the most about social distancing?
- What is the worst part or best part of a typical day while social distancing?
- What do you miss most about (school/work/family/friends)…?
- What will it be like when we go back to “normal”?
- How will your life be different when things go back to “normal”?
- What places have more importance to you now?
- What is something that has brought you joy unexpectedly?
- What is something that you’ve lost? (e.g., going out to eat with friends, the illness or death of loved ones, sense of safety/security).
- How have you celebrated special occasions? (Birthdays/Anniversaries/Religious Occasions)
- How have you protected your health or the health of others? (e.g., wearing masks, making hand sanitizer, talking with loved ones for support, cleaning your home).
- How have you reacted to public health directives? (e.g., bought too much toilet paper, started wearing a mask, sheltered in place before it was required).